Sunday, September 2, 2018

Wreath building tutorial - make your own template!

I am so happy that I caught my friend's video on her Live Facebook today.  Thanks to Krusin' Through Ink (Sue!), I finally figured out what all the hooplah for these Wreath cards is all about.  These are SO COOL!  This fall wreath was my first attempt, and I will post how I made that card on a separate post.

This post is a step-by-step photo tutorial for how to make your own wreath-building template, and how to use it.

What I used to make my template, if you'd like to get out your stuff and make one as you scroll down:

6" x 6" piece of Thick Whisper White card stock
Big Shot
Stampin' Up Layering Squares framelits - the LARGEST size square
Stampin Up Stamparatus - for positioning

1.  Mark your 6" x 6" paper at the 3" mark, both vertically and horizontally.  You can use a pencil if you like to see it better.  I used a scoring tool.

2.  Line up the points/corners of the Square framelit with the lines.  Tape it down with washi tape or PostIt paper tape.  Run through the Big Shot, and cut it out.

3.  On the piece that you cut out, use a pencil to mark this half-way, vertically and horizontally.  I used a ruler, starting with the pencil in the middle, where the score marks intersect.

4.  Turn the marked up piece 1/4 turn, so that it is laying like the picture.  Use the pencil marks to line up this piece on top of your 6" x 6" piece.  Tape it down like you did before, and run it through the Big Shot.

5.  You end up with this - and that's it!!!  Uou are ready to build some wreaths!  SAVE THIS TEMPLATE...but, you can certainly make more, and in different sizes by using different size square framelits.

Now, let's continue and I'll show you how to actually use it.

6.  Set your template in your Stamparatus, in the corner.  Put down your magnets.   For this largest size square that we used, cut a piece of card stock that is 2 13/16" square.  That is what you'll stamp on.

7.  Place the card stock that you want to stamp on down, sitting it within the template like so.  Lay down your stamp.  You will not be moving the stamp from this point.  Flip your stamparatus plate over, and pick up your stamp.

8.  Ink your stamp, while it is still on your Stamparatus plate, and stamp your image.

9.  Pick up your card stock, turn it 1/8 turn, following your template.  Ink/stamp another image.

10.  You will continue this - move your paper one turn, ink/stamp again...until you have gotten completely around.  I moved the stamp in a different direction, used another color of ink, and went around it again. 

11.  I like using the two colors.  It definitely makes a fuller looking wreath.

Sorry this last picture is blurry, but my camera is starting to not hold a charge.  :(

So there you have it!!!  Here's a look at my finished wreath once again.  I added some words in the very middle, and some gold enamel dots.

My next post will show the entire card.  I wanted this post to focus strictly on the process of making your template, and how to use it.

I hope this has been helpful for you!

Thanks for visiting, and Happy stamping.


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1 comment:

  1. thank you so much for this. the wreaths are very fun to make.
