Saturday, February 3, 2018

Crafty Challenge - empty candle jars

I got to spend today with some of my friends, as we talked, ate, and CRAFTED ALL DAY!  It was a great day, and we all made some things we were really happy with.  The last few times we've gotten together, we've had a "challenge" of some sort. 

Sometimes the challenge is a theme, like - non-traditional Christmas colors for Christmas cards. Sometimes the challenge is to use a specific item, like a paint can or a picture frame.  Today's challenge was to re-purpose an empty candle jar.  I think they are from Bath & Body Works.  I'm not sure.  They all had different lids, so I picked the sparkliest one.  Thanks for the jars Jamie!

These are our finished jars.  Some of us put cardstock inside the jar, some wrapped around the outside.  Lots of Valentine themes, and two non-lovey-dovey jars.  :)

Top-view so you can see the different lids.  Some covered the tops of their lids.  

I love how they all turned out! 

Happy Crafting!


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